It is true! Pleasantburg Blog has not been abandoned! Thanks for all concern and inquiries about the lack of regular posts recently. Life is just quite full at the moment and my brain has lacked the necessary space for quality writing. I am realizing that lack of brain space seems to come with multiple teenagers in the home, especially during the "approaching graduation" phase. So many decisions to make, so many things to explore, so many places to visit and research, so much to pray about! This is the first of several upcoming years like this for our family, so pray for us :). And with young ones in the mix as well, the task of making sure all are attended to and loved on is often all-consuming. Each morning I come to the Lord and asked to be filled up, and during the day I pour it all out. Not a bad way to live, not at all :). Hopefully the summer will provide more time to share posts with you on a regular basis ( I do miss the chance to think complete thoughts on a single topic...blogging is so good for that!). In the mean time, feel free to subscribe via email or RSS feed so that you can be notified when I do manage to put up a post :).
Here is a song that has been running in my mind during these busy days, reminding me of why I do what I do and why I must make the choices I do. It's old, and I've probably posted it before because it is one of my "life songs", but I hope it will encourage you as you work on your legacy in the midst of your daily life!