From the archives...because it is so good to remember how God has provided!
(March 2008)
I was, however, wondering how we would have people over for meals since we had only a tiny farm table. The seven of us couldn't even fit around it! I had looked at some used tables, but large ones seemed too pricey, so I began been saving random birthday money and such for a large picnic table. I knew I could get a lot of folks around it and I was fairly sure I could make it look Cassie-like with a nice coat of stain or some white paint.
We got a call from Mr. T.'s boss shortly after moving and he said that his neighbor's daughter was moving and had a table she wanted to give away. I could hardly believe it! Not only because it was a free table (that easily seats 10!!) , but because this family had also just given us a nearly new TV they didn't need. (We have had a small 13 inch TV for over a decade... it didn't bother me a bit to have such a small TV , but I did feel a bit sorry for my guys when they would try to watch sports on it!). Mr. T.'s boss and his neighbor even brought over and unloaded this very wonderful, heavy solid wood table. The best part is that their faces were just beaming! They were so happy we could use it! I was humbled. It was such a great reminder to me ( yes, once again!) that God knows exactly what we need and can provide for our needs and so much more...and that the things we don't need anymore can be a great blessing to someone else. With so much extended family in the area, and so many new people to get to know in our new town, we are looking forward with great expectation to see what kind of plans God has for our "table times" in the days and years ahead! And now, I am saving my random money for some curtains and more dining room chairs to go around this table!
*February 2011: What a blessing this table is... a meal table three times a day, a school table five days a week,location of countless family and birthday gatherings, the place where we serve guests in our home. It is so easy to take it for granted, but I can't imagine our dining room with out it! And what a reminder that the Lord knows our needs... large and small, physical and spiritual... and delights to meet them for our good and His glory!
I love the story that goes with your table. I have similar reflections about our old hard rock maple table & chairs in the kitchen. Many memories have been made around that $35 investment forty-two years ago.