Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Embracing Chaos

Summer is my very favorite season.  Sunshine, afternoon showers, reading on the swing outside, gardening,  drying clothes on the line, letting the kids sleep a little bit later while I bask in the quiet early morning hours alone....ahhhh.  However, real life still happens, and at this stage of our family's life that equals a fair amont of chaos. Daily chaos. Hourly chaos. Lots and lots of little trials. Missing socks, conflicting schedules, broken cars, piles of wet towles, overdue library books, summer colds with wheezy nights, traffic that makes us late, stretched grocery budget, one mother with many tasks, children with many things to say...chaos is always there with us, keeping things from being easy and smooth. I am slowly learning to just relax into it and rejoice in spite of it all.  Chaos is better than bordome! God is making a good story out of our crazy little life. He is being glorified by putting us into situations where we can't get along without Him. The glory is His and not ours.

Living a Good Story in the Chaos  is my favorite read of the week.  Perhaps my favorite quote in the post is this,

"Part of me wonders if our stories aren’t being stolen by the easy life."  ~ D. Miller

If you face chaos today, rejoice in it! Don't let simplicity and ease be an idol in this earthly life, but  let Him stretch you and use all your trials to write a story that glorifies Him!

1 comment:

  1. These are words of wisdom even when our chaos does not come from the busyness of having young children in our daily lives. Thanks for reminding me to praise God for my chaos. Let Him be glorified.
