Saturday, April 23, 2011

Celebrating Easter in Song: Resurrection Sunday

   We have had a busy day preparing for our Easter celebration tomorrow.  We look forward to a day filled with worship, fellowship with church family, and time with extended family. This hymn has been a favorite of mind since my youth, and there are a million other Easter hymns dear to me...When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,Up From the Grave He Arose, and O Sacred Head Now Wounded, just to name a few.  But this selection really says all there is to say!

If you prefer the more contemporary side of things , I suggest Still Rolls the Stone and I Know That My Redeemer Lives, by Bob Bennett, Glorious Day ( Living He loved Me), by Casting Crowns, and In Christ Alone, the Avalon rendition being my personal favorite. All of theses have excellent lyrics. For various reasons I was unable to find a suitable video to share for these songs, but you may look them up and listen as you think upon Christ and rejoice this Easter. I hope each one of you have a most blessed Resurrection Sunday!