The "reminders" are no particular order, but I will start with a big one: Keep God's Word in your mind throughout the day. When things get stressful, when you are not sure how to handle a situation, when you know you are starting to lose proper perspective, when despair is creeping into your mind,when you have a victory, use God's Word to keep your thoughts in the right place. I keep a list of Scriptures posted inside the door of the cabinet where we keep our school supplies.I probably go to that cabinet 40 times during the morning, and each time I see God's love letters to me, encouraging and admonishing me to run the race for His glory and in His strength. In years past, I kept a list inside my kitchen cabinet door and would run into the kitchen every now and then to refocus. I also keep my Bible open at the school table after our morning family devotions. Having God's promises and reminders of His character at my fingertips when I need them ( and often before I need them!) is invaluable. Other moms keep a Bible open in each room, a Bible propped up my the kitchen sink, or a audio Bible going in some part of the house or in the car. Choose what works for you, but make it easy to encourage yourself with God's Word. And guess what? Your children will be watching you all the while and noting God's faithfulness to you!
Have a plan to care for your basic physical health. Let's be honest, if your family is like mine, no one is going to remind mom to take her vitamins each day! We need a simple plan to care for our health. Otherwise, even our most basic needs can get lost in our responsibilities. When tempted to let my physical health slide, I always think of the airline stewardess reminding me to put the oxygen mask on myself first, and then on my child. I cannot remind my little one to drink his water if I am dehydrated in a hospital somewhere! My basic list includes drinking enough water, taking vitamins daily, walking several times a week, having healthy/easy to prepare food at home, and getting proper rest. My plan? Vitamins before bed, water throughout the day, walks with an individual child in the evenings ( or around the interior of our home/exercise video/backyard walk with a younger child...see note below), organized shopping/food prep (with teenagers alongside me), and in bed before midnight. Nothing complicated or expensive, and no real need to be separated from my children ( just in case that is your excuse!) , but so important to identify those needs and be intentional about keeping care of ourselves.
*A word about exercise: where there is a will there is a way. Pray about it! Years ago I had young children, little support in the way of local friends and relatives, a husband who worked long hours, and no real area to walk outside around our home. I ask the Lord to show me a way I could get the exercise I needed. I began turning on a CD for an hour a day and walking inside our home, around ( and around, and around ,and around) the tiny kitchen-living room-entry way loop. Our children still talk about it! It reduced my stress, improved my sleep, and gave me something very fun to do with my little ones each day.Today I love to pop in a Leslie Sansone Walk at Home video on cold and rainy days when I can't get outdoors. On nice days when I can't leave the home, I will often briskly walk around our back yard in the afternoon while our little ones play. If I can leave the little ones with daddy, I will take an older child on a walk around the neighborhood with me so we can have some time alone. Although there is certainly nothing wrong with belonging to a gym,on't buy into the idea that you need a gym membership to get the exercise you need! Ask God to show you creative solutions when you hit a roadblock!
Be sure to check back in for Part 2.... and enjoy getting ready for your school year!

I don't have any children "school age" yet, but I found this post to be applicable to many other areas of my life as well. Thanks for linking up!
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure! I am glad you found the post helpful. You are doing a wonderful job with your blog!