I have a fabulous mother-in-law. Always dressed to perfection, she is one of those ladies who can pull off large clunky jewelry and wild handbags, all with out looking the slightest bit tacky! She is just that kind of lady. And she is always coming up with unique ways to decorate her home as well. Her ideas not only work, they look great!
Last year, she shared these little jeweled pumpkins with me. (This photo was taken on a really old camera and it doesn't do these glistening beauties justice...trust me !) If you are looking for a really simple craft that will add a touch of sparkle to your fall decor, this project is for you. You need to purchase a few sheets of stick-on jewels from your local craft store and collect a variety pumpkins. You attach the jewels to your pumpkins and that is that! This is great project to do with the little ones in your home...quick, easy,and hardly any clean up! My mother-in-law had several of her jeweled pumpkins in a pretty blue and white china bowl, along with several non-jeweled gourds of various shapes and colors. The effect on her glass-topped antique table was lovely. I placed a couple of the pumpkins on our fireplace mantle and also put a few more on the table with our candles. I think a large jeweled pumpkin would be a unique addition to a front porch or window display, especially if you also were using some colored fall lights. Something unique, with just a bit of sparkle....never a bad thing! Happy fall crafting!

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