Monday, October 28, 2013
Brave and Beautiful Protest
Welcome to Day 25 in 31 Days of Brave! A few days ago I shared a post by one of my favorite bloggers. Today I will do it again! ( I am no longer sipping on Throat Coat Tea, but Advil is still a good friend!)
I recently learned about musician Vedran Smailovic. He took his cello into the bomb-busted rubble of Sarajevo, he sat still, and he played. An astonishing protest in the midst of ruins. Art, peace,and loveliness flowing out of those crumbled buildings and into a world desperately needing someone to be brave enough to offer beauty in times of ugliness.
I was excited when Ellen of Sweetwater Blog posted this beautiful page of words. She has learned about Mr. Smailovic, too. You can read Ellen's post here . Be inspired, friends and bravely put some of your own special beauty into this weary world today!
Their Vision was Broad
"In vain I have searched the Bible, looking for examples of early believers whose lives were marked by rigidity, predictability, inhibition, dullness, and caution. Fortunately, grim, frowning, joyless saints in Scriptures are conspicuous by their absence. Instead, the examples I find are of adventurous, risk-taking, enthusiastic, and authentic believers whose joy was contagious even in times of full trial. Their vision was broad even when death drew near. Rules were few and changes were welcome. The contrast between then and now is staggering."
― Chuck Swindoll
Day 24 of 31 Days of Brave.
The Brave Beauty of Less
Welcome to Day ????? Well, I am afraid that I actually don't know what day it is in this 31 Days of Brave series! I do know that this 31 day journey will be extending on past October for this blogger! Sickness, Internet issues, computer issues, more sickness, and little bits of craziness strung together like Fruit Loops on a piece of happens, so blogging must wait!
Since I am in a vertical position for the first time in 48 hours, I'll not attempt any meaningful words of my own.( You never know what you might write while under the influence of Throat Coat Tea!) Instead, enjoy these words from one of my favorite bloggers, Shannan. She's one of the grace-empowered brave, not afraid to live life uniquely and on the edge, and she inspires me often! Go read her blog! ( The "here" she speaks of in the first line of the quote is a place of having less in terms of income.)
' I can't say for sure why we're here, but the truth stills my knocking knees and racing heart if I let it: God is made bigger in our brand-new smallness.
And so we keep paring down, knowing it's never really enough and even more, it's not even about what is or isn't "enough". God owns the bank. He trusts each of us in ways He ought to know better. He has things to teach us about extravagance, provision, and freedom. We steward what we have with as much wisdom as possible. We accept our inevitable failures. Even now, we have much more than we need, and we continue to wrestle.
What about leaving a legacy for our children?
We haven't forgotten. Our legacy to them is the Gospel, one where grace fills all the cracks and family is global. Our legacy is a front-row seat to our budgeting talks and all associated traumas. Our legacy is telling them no, it's hand-me-downs and the Goodwill, it's stretching the soup for one more at the table.
Our legacy is casting light on all the ways our daily bread finds us and reminding them who sent it. It's the humility to receive. It's the slow-learning that "average" and "typical" are overrated and "low" is often the sweet-spot.
It's a foolish economy, where nothing makes sense until you stand on your head."
Since I am in a vertical position for the first time in 48 hours, I'll not attempt any meaningful words of my own.( You never know what you might write while under the influence of Throat Coat Tea!) Instead, enjoy these words from one of my favorite bloggers, Shannan. She's one of the grace-empowered brave, not afraid to live life uniquely and on the edge, and she inspires me often! Go read her blog! ( The "here" she speaks of in the first line of the quote is a place of having less in terms of income.)
' I can't say for sure why we're here, but the truth stills my knocking knees and racing heart if I let it: God is made bigger in our brand-new smallness.
And so we keep paring down, knowing it's never really enough and even more, it's not even about what is or isn't "enough". God owns the bank. He trusts each of us in ways He ought to know better. He has things to teach us about extravagance, provision, and freedom. We steward what we have with as much wisdom as possible. We accept our inevitable failures. Even now, we have much more than we need, and we continue to wrestle.
What about leaving a legacy for our children?
We haven't forgotten. Our legacy to them is the Gospel, one where grace fills all the cracks and family is global. Our legacy is a front-row seat to our budgeting talks and all associated traumas. Our legacy is telling them no, it's hand-me-downs and the Goodwill, it's stretching the soup for one more at the table.
Our legacy is casting light on all the ways our daily bread finds us and reminding them who sent it. It's the humility to receive. It's the slow-learning that "average" and "typical" are overrated and "low" is often the sweet-spot.
It's a foolish economy, where nothing makes sense until you stand on your head."
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Choose to Become Strong
Welcome to Day 22!
The following quote is from the Inspired to Action blog . It talks about being brave enough to choose that which will make us stronger. Psalm 112:7 says, " He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the LORD." Bravery in hard times flows from a heart that has already been made steadfast. In easier times we can strengthen our trust in the Lord by nurturing our relationship with Him and growing in our knowledge of God's word. Then, when hard times come, we need not collapse in fear. Bravery will be the response of a heart that trusts in the Lord.
."I won’t get fitter, healthier, more patient, more like Jesus or anything else good until I face resistance. And I have a very, very simple choice. I can wait for that resistance to come (normally in some sort of disastrous way) or I can choose to bring resistance into my life.
I want to be a woman who chooses it. I want to train for my life instead of react to it. I can choose to get up early to spend time with God. I can choose to lift weights. I can choose to run. I can choose to speak in kindness when I don’t feel like it. I can choose to serve my family. I can choose to do the dishes tonight instead of letting them “soak.” I can choose to cook dinner because it’s healthier than the take out I’d resort to otherwise. I can choose to go to bed on time, even though I’d really like to stay up late and pretend I’m in college. I can choose to lovingly respond to my children instead of emotionally respond to them.As moms, we face resistance all. day. long. Choose it. Embrace it. Get stronger. "
Read Kat's entire post here . Monday, October 21, 2013
The Perfect Prayer
Welcome to Day 21!
Well, illness in the family has kept me from posting as planned. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is just let go of your plans and take up the less-than-perfect circumstances with a servant's heart. Brave isn't always loud and bold. Sometimes courage means quietly waiting for the right time. "Thy will be done"...the perfect prayer of the brave.
Well, illness in the family has kept me from posting as planned. Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is just let go of your plans and take up the less-than-perfect circumstances with a servant's heart. Brave isn't always loud and bold. Sometimes courage means quietly waiting for the right time. "Thy will be done"...the perfect prayer of the brave.
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Container Box Houses
Welcome to Day 19!
Some of my favorite brave people are those who approach a need with a different kind of solution...outside-of-the-box types people. Did you know you can make lovely homes and commercial buildings out of container boxes? Read more and see some beautiful photos here and here I just love these! How wonderful that someone was crazy brave enough to try their idea out!
Happy Weekend!
Some of my favorite brave people are those who approach a need with a different kind of solution...outside-of-the-box types people. Did you know you can make lovely homes and commercial buildings out of container boxes? Read more and see some beautiful photos here and here I just love these! How wonderful that someone was
Happy Weekend!
A Million Little Ways Quote
Welcome to Day 18!
"Perhaps those who make art in the ways we traditionally think of art give the rest of us a framework from which to live our lives. They offer a gift of knowing what life could look like if it were handled more like a mysterious piece of art rather than a task-oriented list......
....In coming up with a working definition of an artist for the purposes of this book, perhaps we could say, then, that being an artist has something to do with being brave enough to move toward what makes you come alive."
~Emily P. Freeman in A Million Little Ways ( the book that appeared in my mailbox this week!! I am looking forward to being part of the Bloom book study for the next few weeks!)
"Perhaps those who make art in the ways we traditionally think of art give the rest of us a framework from which to live our lives. They offer a gift of knowing what life could look like if it were handled more like a mysterious piece of art rather than a task-oriented list......
....In coming up with a working definition of an artist for the purposes of this book, perhaps we could say, then, that being an artist has something to do with being brave enough to move toward what makes you come alive."
~Emily P. Freeman in A Million Little Ways ( the book that appeared in my mailbox this week!! I am looking forward to being part of the Bloom book study for the next few weeks!)
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Welcome to Day 17!
This afternoon I received a gift in the mail. It was a book! I danced around the kitchen and then right out the door. ( It was time to pick up one of my girls!). I just can't tell you how much I have been longing to curl up with a book on these chilly, damp evenings! And a book I can read without the pressure of a library due date and that I can jot notes in if I so desire...ahhhhh....such a sweet gift. When we returned there was a bag of fresh produce on my doorstep. Another kind gift! Who could have possibly known how much I have been craving fresh greens? It was a blessing to know that someone was thinking of me and humbling ( in the best possible way) to know that someone had shared what was theirs with me.
Those who give are brave. They share from their resources because they are not fearful of running out. They are not worried about possibly being misunderstood. They are confident enough to be free from the need to be recognized. It is their delight to bless and not hoard because they know their future needs will be attended to as the Lord sees fit. And, yes, again...they are courageous enough to take their eyes off of themselves so they can see and meet needs around them.
My sweet, brave, anonymous friends are leading me by example.
This afternoon I received a gift in the mail. It was a book! I danced around the kitchen and then right out the door. ( It was time to pick up one of my girls!). I just can't tell you how much I have been longing to curl up with a book on these chilly, damp evenings! And a book I can read without the pressure of a library due date and that I can jot notes in if I so desire...ahhhhh....such a sweet gift. When we returned there was a bag of fresh produce on my doorstep. Another kind gift! Who could have possibly known how much I have been craving fresh greens? It was a blessing to know that someone was thinking of me and humbling ( in the best possible way) to know that someone had shared what was theirs with me.
Those who give are brave. They share from their resources because they are not fearful of running out. They are not worried about possibly being misunderstood. They are confident enough to be free from the need to be recognized. It is their delight to bless and not hoard because they know their future needs will be attended to as the Lord sees fit. And, yes, again...they are courageous enough to take their eyes off of themselves so they can see and meet needs around them.
My sweet, brave, anonymous friends are leading me by example.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Pour it All Out
Welcome to Day 16!
Brave are those who are not afraid to pour it all out. Those who do not wonder how to preserve their energy, their me-time, their space,and their comfort are daring to live without self at the center. They go to bed spent. Yet they live a life that is full and beautiful. They know a secret that our comfort-driven world looks for: being filled up first requires an emptied-out vessel needing to be replenished. Fulfillment comes not in preserving, but in bravely pouring out.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
God Hears
Welcome to Day 15!
I saw her in the grocery store and she made me smile. Her hair was crazy-wild. Her shoes were out of style and worn. She flirtatiously maneuvered a scooter-cart around the parking lot, enjoying her ride and doing her best to entertain the other shoppers. But what made me smile was her shirt. Bright blue in color, a bit too large in size, and sporting neon-yellow-1980's-style block letters, her shirt boldly read: GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. She parked her scooter and hobbled to a beat-up car. I told her I liked her shirt, we exchanged toothy grins, and I offered a silent prayer of thanks.
I am thankful that I get to rub shoulders with down-trodden, wild-haired, brave believers. We are more alike than they will ever know. Had this woman ever prayed for her physical pain to be removed? For better shoes? For a nicer car or money for a hair cut? A non-believer could easily wonder if God was really listening to her. Things weren't looking good from a worldly point of view. Perhaps even believers questioned if her shirt spoke truth. Maybe they were embarrassed by her. Certainly no one would be choosing her to be the poster girl for the "health and wealth" crowd. But she didn't seem concerned with what anyone else thought. She was still being joyful, boldly telling the world that the God of the universe was listening to her, one of the least of these in the eyes of many.
As I carefully spent my grocery money I continued to think about prayer. I had prayed for physical pain to be removed, for better shoes, for a newer car, and for a haircut...all of these things and more in the past months. God had not granted these things to me. But I still knew He was listening. His "not now"answers came with the gift of an upward and outward gaze; with a realization that there were higher things I could be focusing on and praying for. "Not now" answers had brought contentment, and contentment had brought joy. Trials had brought the ability to comfort others. Prayer had brought me strength and imported "brave" right into the heart of my timid soul. Yes, He was listening and doing far greater things than I imagined !
Be encouraged, all of you who courageously wait and pray. God hears your prayers and He is doing more than you think. And one day, your chance will come to boldly proclaim this truth to the world, even if you are not a t-shirt kind of gal!
I saw her in the grocery store and she made me smile. Her hair was crazy-wild. Her shoes were out of style and worn. She flirtatiously maneuvered a scooter-cart around the parking lot, enjoying her ride and doing her best to entertain the other shoppers. But what made me smile was her shirt. Bright blue in color, a bit too large in size, and sporting neon-yellow-1980's-style block letters, her shirt boldly read: GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS. She parked her scooter and hobbled to a beat-up car. I told her I liked her shirt, we exchanged toothy grins, and I offered a silent prayer of thanks.
I am thankful that I get to rub shoulders with down-trodden, wild-haired, brave believers. We are more alike than they will ever know. Had this woman ever prayed for her physical pain to be removed? For better shoes? For a nicer car or money for a hair cut? A non-believer could easily wonder if God was really listening to her. Things weren't looking good from a worldly point of view. Perhaps even believers questioned if her shirt spoke truth. Maybe they were embarrassed by her. Certainly no one would be choosing her to be the poster girl for the "health and wealth" crowd. But she didn't seem concerned with what anyone else thought. She was still being joyful, boldly telling the world that the God of the universe was listening to her, one of the least of these in the eyes of many.
As I carefully spent my grocery money I continued to think about prayer. I had prayed for physical pain to be removed, for better shoes, for a newer car, and for a haircut...all of these things and more in the past months. God had not granted these things to me. But I still knew He was listening. His "not now"answers came with the gift of an upward and outward gaze; with a realization that there were higher things I could be focusing on and praying for. "Not now" answers had brought contentment, and contentment had brought joy. Trials had brought the ability to comfort others. Prayer had brought me strength and imported "brave" right into the heart of my timid soul. Yes, He was listening and doing far greater things than I imagined !
Be encouraged, all of you who courageously wait and pray. God hears your prayers and He is doing more than you think. And one day, your chance will come to boldly proclaim this truth to the world, even if you are not a t-shirt kind of gal!
Monday, October 14, 2013
Fear vs. Privilege
Welcome to Day 14! You can read my other posts from 31 Days of Brave here.
This morning we were sitting at our school table working when...ZINGGGGGGGGGGGGG! A small dachshund shot across our yard. We don't see many dachshunds around here and it was cause for alarm because this swift little guy clearly wasn't bothered by the presence of heavy traffic. As I was throwing on my shoes to head outside after him, along came two girls in scrubs. They were out of breath and clearly looking for something. I ran to them and pointed out the dog's path. Before I could head inside, two more folks in scrubs arrived at my drive way. The dog had escaped from the arms of its owner at the local vet's office and darted out an opened door. Before long the entire neighborhood was being canvased by a half a dozen scrub-wearing animal lovers and a variety of sympathetic on-lookers.
I know that dog must have been terrified when he figured out he was at veterinarian's office. Shots, bigger dogs, strange people, odd smells....something caused him to feel that running away was a better option. And run he did! Across many lanes of traffic ( three times!), into yards with larger dogs, through uncharted territory...with an army of oddly-dressed strangers chasing after him all the while! The dangers of the escape were, in reality, far more dangerous than the original threat. But he hadn't known that when he jumped out of the safety of his owner's arms.
We are often like that little dog when we see a trail coming our way. Even if we don't run, we want to. Usually we need to just sit quietly, accept the difficulty, and let God use it to work a good treatment in us. The attempt to escape has far more potential for harm. What we would be running from is the plan our loving Father has designed for us. He has our ultimate good in mind.
I recently read a book which mentioned Helen Keller. It said she once remarked about people bearing their trials as if they are privileges. This struck me. Can there be a better way to bravely face our trials? Viewing uncomfortable situations not as scary reasons to run, but as gifts entrusted to us by an ever-present, ever-helping God? A privilege given specifically and individually to us, to show His glory and power to a watching world? A package of earthly circumstances to make us more like Him?
The next time you face a trial, bravely ask for grace to view it as a privilege. Patiently wait in His secure arms for the good He wishes to work in you.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Speaking and Listening....a quote
Welcome to Day 13!
Another weekend quote....
"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."
* there is no post for Day 12. I had the chance to slip away to the mountains this weekend for an overnight with friends! Ahhhh..... Now I must be go and brave enough to get the house back in order for Monday morning :).
Friday, October 11, 2013
Friday Quote
Welcome to Day 10! It's Friday Quote Time again!
One of my favorite parts of motherhood is reading aloud to our children. I especially love sharing biographies of missionaries with them. Gladys Aylward has been so inspiring to me. Poor and not considered smart enough to be a missionary, she continued to look for opportunities to serve the Lord. No work was too menial for her. And, indeed, the Lord had mighty plans for her overseas. (One of her most notable tasks was leading over 100 orphaned children across dangerous, war-torn terrain to safety!) Watching Inn of the Sixth Happiness will give you a great taste of her bravery, but do read a biography of her life as well! Here is a favorite quote from Gladys.
Here I was worrying about my journey, while God was helping me all the way. I made me realize that I am very weak; my courage is only borrowed from Him, but, oh, the peace that flooded my soul... because I know that he never faileth. I would not, if I could, turn back now, because I believe that God is going to reveal Himself in a wonderful way.
Gladys Aylward
One of my favorite parts of motherhood is reading aloud to our children. I especially love sharing biographies of missionaries with them. Gladys Aylward has been so inspiring to me. Poor and not considered smart enough to be a missionary, she continued to look for opportunities to serve the Lord. No work was too menial for her. And, indeed, the Lord had mighty plans for her overseas. (One of her most notable tasks was leading over 100 orphaned children across dangerous, war-torn terrain to safety!) Watching Inn of the Sixth Happiness will give you a great taste of her bravery, but do read a biography of her life as well! Here is a favorite quote from Gladys.
Here I was worrying about my journey, while God was helping me all the way. I made me realize that I am very weak; my courage is only borrowed from Him, but, oh, the peace that flooded my soul... because I know that he never faileth. I would not, if I could, turn back now, because I believe that God is going to reveal Himself in a wonderful way.
Gladys Aylward
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Welcome to Day 10! You can read the rest of the 31 days series here.
For the past year I have been longing to move to move to the country. My life here is not quiet and it is certainly not private. My soul craves natural beauty, not the abundance of concrete and blowing trash that greet me here. It's been almost 6 years of fighting to keep a lovely, welcoming little spot in a busy, dirty, crowed location. Horns honk, sirens scream, the children cannot go outside alone, and odd people come to my door. Sometimes I am just weary of it all.
But this has also been the year that our family has been the most useful to this community. The elderly around us have especially needed us. We have waited for ambulances, tended wounds, called people's family members, and helped take out trash. We've received difficult phone calls and attended a funeral for a young person. We gone to meetings about free rain barrels and met other soap makers and urban gardeners. We've asked simple questions and witnessed tears over a faith that is drifting. We've talked with people about chickens, helped fix cars, and listened with empathy to accounts of under employment. We've celebrated holidays together, helped provide jobs, loaned tools, and found we weren't the only family dealing with food allergies. Phone numbers have been exchanged. Connections have been made....both the "haves" who live behind us and the "have nots" who live around us. So many colors, nationalities, economic statuses, and faiths crammed together in our little corner of the world. And we are literally in the center of it all.
Community takes courage. It takes enough "brave" to put aside your personal preference for peace ( not to mention alone time!) and focus on being useful to the Lord. It takes a confidence in God's plans to embrace the spot where He has placed you....trash, sirens, and all. It takes risk to be a part of the world around you, one where everyone is so different, because somewhere along the way folks are going to think you are weird! And it takes prayerful, brave conviction to gracefully live out your differences when there is every chance that you might be misunderstood.
This rural-loving introvert needs quite a bit more work, but she's seeing the beauty of community and she's certainly braver than she used to be!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Day 9: Showing Up
Welcome to Day 9! You can read the rest of this series here.
A couple years ago the children and I watched as police cars surrounded a little shop that sits across from our home. Caution tape went up, police dogs went out, and a helicopter circled overhead. An armed robbery, suspect at 10:00 a.m.
Since that time, one of the first things I do in the morning is glance across the street and see what's going on out there. If I am starting my morning at the usual time, I see the same thing: a white haired lady sweeping the side walk and wiping fingerprints off the door. She is there everyday, but I am probably the only one who observes it. She shows up in spite of the risks. She shows up even though the crowd she deals with during the day is not always friendly. Her workplace is noisy and devoid of beauty, but she still comes in to work everyday. I imagine this job wasn't what she dreamed of doing in her later years, yet each morning... faithfully sweeping.
Maybe I feel this way because I live in the midst of the down-trodden working (and often non-working) lower class, but in my eyes, showing up and doing your duty is an uncelebrated form bravery. The people in my neighborhood aren't given applause and appreciation for their labor. They do not experience significant economic benefits from their toil. They trudge to bus stops in the rain; they work in stinky factories. Some of their relatives and neighbors live just as well as they do but do not work at all. Some on their relatives and neighbors, no doubt, live better than they do, and their work is illegal. Yet so many of my neighbors bravely keep on doing their duty. Outsiders may make all kinds of assumptions about them as they walk along my sidewalk, but I can tell you that the working poor are not cowards.
I am thrilled that Christians are waking up to the notion of living in a "radical" way. I haven't read the recent books, but I see people talking to the poor, reaching out to the orphan, and moving out of their comfort zone. This is all very good. However, faithfulness to our daily responsibility is, in itself, a form of radical living. It's brave to do work that no one after day. It's brave to give it your all when the rest of society is slacking off. It's brave to resist the urge to count the cost and become bitter because, even after all that hard work, life is still hard.
To simply show up and do your responsibilities for the glory of God is beautiful. Tired moms, caregivers, factory workers, shopkeepers, keep being brave. You may or may not have someone quietly watching you work, but your Heavenly Father is always watching! Be encouraged! Your reward may never come during your time on earth, but may all of you who faithfully show up day after day for your God-given assignments hear those precious words from Him :
" Well done, my good and faithful servant."
(This post is also linked to the Encourage One Another link-up.)
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Day 8: Unashamed
Welcome to Day 8: Unashamed
Whew! Tuesdays are crazy around here. The clock is saying 9:50 p.m., but my mind is saying 2 a.m.! Tonight I am being brave enough to say that anything I try to write will likely be 100% gibberish :). So I leave you with words I heard long ago at a Bible conference. They often inspire me to be courageous enough to be honest and real. The speaker (a long forgotten face and name, I am afraid) reminded us that as Christians
we have nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to lose.
Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is just be ourselves and unashamedly live out the life God has given us.
Whew! Tuesdays are crazy around here. The clock is saying 9:50 p.m., but my mind is saying 2 a.m.! Tonight I am being brave enough to say that anything I try to write will likely be 100% gibberish :). So I leave you with words I heard long ago at a Bible conference. They often inspire me to be courageous enough to be honest and real. The speaker (a long forgotten face and name, I am afraid) reminded us that as Christians
we have nothing to hide, nothing to prove, and nothing to lose.
Sometimes the bravest thing we can do is just be ourselves and unashamedly live out the life God has given us.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Day 7: The Brave Mom
Welcome to Day 7! You can read the other 31 Days of Brave posts here.
There seem to be two aspects to bravery. One side of the coin is the courageous endurance called for during times of trial or difficulty; the other side is the idea of bold risk-taking. In both areas moms are given the chance to model and cultivate bravery in their sphere of influence. My family stretches me in the area of risk quite often.
My household is full of artistic and determined thinkers. They stand at the edge of a drop-off to get the perfect photo, make ridiculously complicated 3-D projects, and determinedly master the skill of walking on a slack line ( even if involves a bit of blood-shed). They have interesting ideas for making money and crazy dreams for their futures. And sometimes they toss 3 point shots at critical moments in basketball games and or dive for a ball as if it is a matter of life or death. We have the scars to prove it!
I have had to learn to say an enthusiastic "yes!" to saving things like old pizza boxes. I have had to let go of common sense as I have donated roll after roll of scotch tape to creative endeavors. I have had to resist shielding my eyes during basketball games. I have had to learn that a brave mom does not just tolerate risk taking opportunities, but celebrates them! The pay off has been worth it. Have there been some epic fails? Yes. But also the development of character and perseverance. Most importantly, secure young adult are emerging and facing the world with the knowledge that we are more than our successes. Sometimes only failure can teach these things. And epic moments of beauty and accomplishment? A few of those have come our way too!
So, when my husband wanted to paint our kitchen, that hallowed space where I spend most of my time and energy, a bold shade of orange, I said yes. Honestly, it's not very Mrs.T.-like in style. ( I'd pick a nice shade of light blue with simple white curtains, thank you very much!) But I am so proud of it. It's full of vitality and shouts "unique!" in a cookie-cutter world. I still walk in there and giggle sometimes. That bold, in-your-face hue reminds me that my home is a place that is nurturing the next generation of BRAVE.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Day 6: Be Still My Soul
Welcome to Day 6! You can read the the other posts in this series here .
For your Sabbath Day I am posting the words to the wonderful hymn Be Still My Soul. Courage begins with a quiet, trusting soul and a steadfast confidence in our Heavenly Father. I love the story of how this song encouraged a brave believer who, in turn, used the words to strengthen others. ( Many years ago, this man's story inspired our own family. Perhaps I will do a future post explaining why!) According to Cyber Hymnal,
" This hymn was reportedly the favorite of Eric Liddell, the athlete who became famous in the 1924 Olympics for refusing to run on the Sabbath (see the movie Chariots of Fire). Liddell later became a missionary in China, and was imprisoned during World War II. He is said to have taught this hymn to others in the prison camp (where he eventually died of a brain tumor)."
Be Still My Soul
Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.
Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.
Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.
From His own fullness all He takes away.
Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past
All safe and blessèd we shall meet at last.
All safe and blessèd we shall meet at last.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Day 5: Everyday Courage Quote
Welcome to Day 5! You can read the rest of the 31 Days of Brave Series here.
Everyday courage has few witnesses. But yours is no less noble because no drum beats for you and no crowds shout your name. --Robert Louis Stevenson
Friday, October 4, 2013
Day 4: A Beautiful Paradox
Welcome to Day 4! You can read the rest of the Brave series right here!
Weekends are busy family times here, so be looking for some of my favorite quotes on courage on Fridays and Saturdays. Below is one of my favorites. Happy Weekend to you all!
"The strong can not be brave. Only the weak can be brave; and yet again, in practice, only those who can be brave can be trusted, in time of doubt, to be strong.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics
Weekends are busy family times here, so be looking for some of my favorite quotes on courage on Fridays and Saturdays. Below is one of my favorites. Happy Weekend to you all!
"The strong can not be brave. Only the weak can be brave; and yet again, in practice, only those who can be brave can be trusted, in time of doubt, to be strong.”
― G.K. Chesterton, Heretics
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Day 3: Facing the Unknown
Summer before last I had a few ladies over to my home to discuss Corrie ten Boom's book The Hiding Place. Corrie is such a beautiful example of courage and faithful endurance! One young lady who attended our discussion was the mom of a toddler and twin babies. Today she is the mom of a preschooler, twin toddlers, and twin babies. Yes! Two sets of twins!! Five beautiful blessings under five years of age!! We never know what the future holds for us, do we?! Leaving all our unknowns in the hand of our loving Father and living life free from worry is one of the purest manifestations of God-honoring bravery.
“Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.”
~ Corrie ten Boom
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~ Matthew 6:34
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. ~John 14:27
Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. ~ 1 Peter 5:6-8
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 2: The Foundation
Welcome to Day 2! You can find the other posts in the 31 Days of Brave Series here.
Courage is a big topic right now in self-help circles. I haven't read any of the current offerings, but I hear the buzz about them. Books,speakers,blogs... whether their approach is secular or Christian, it's obvious that they have hit a nerve. Americans feel insecure. Times are hard. Things are not the way they used to be. We are left with hard, and potentially costly, choices. There are no guarantees of success.
In circumstances that involve difficulty and risk, what enables us to be brave is our foundation. The foundation for bravery can not be itself. The mere concept of " brave", standing alone like a bird on a pole, will quickly become just another idol in our quest for self-improvement. Like all idols, it will fail us in the end, flying away with our strength when least expect it. Our foundation must be found in the truths found in Scripture. If Christians are firmly rooted in who God is and who He says we are in Christ, and if we hold fast to what He says about His plans for us here on earth and in eternity, we will have what we need to courageously endure!
Psalm 18:30 This God—his way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in him.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
Galatians 3:26 For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith.
Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Day 1 : Why Brave?
Welcome to Day 1!
possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.
making a fine appearance.
I am going to start off my 31 days of writing with a confession: I was not planning on writing on the subject of Brave. For several weeks I was mentally gathering information to write about Edith Schaeffer. Yup, 31 Days of Edith Schaeffer! Safe, easy, and mostly words from the heart and mind of another. Not very brave. Monday afternoon I sat down with my eldest daughter so she could help me with my 31 Days button. When it came right down to it I just couldn't make an Edith button. I adore Mrs. Schaeffer's writing. She inspires me every time I read about her life or pick up one of her books. I truly want women of a younger generation to know what I know about her. But it wasn't what I really desired on Monday afternoon. I was ready for the chance to make myself sit down and write about what has been burning in my heart. It was time to put down some words of my own again. I wanted to have a reason to escape the hectic pace of my wonderful life to reflect on what the Lord has taught me this year of stretching and opportunity. I was ready for a challenge.
So, yes, Brave....grammatically incorrect, I know. But it fits nicely on the blog button and perfectly where I am in my journey. The thoughts won't be as grand and glorious as those of the good Mrs. Schaeffer , but I hope you'll leave each day feeling encouraged in the Lord and ready to courageously embrace whatever circumstances He sends your way!
Monday, September 30, 2013
31 Days of Brave

Welcome to 31 Days of Brave! During the month of October bloggers everywhere will be joining Nester in her 31 day challenge to write daily on a single topic. After a year of letting this little corner of the worldwide web sit unattended, I must say that I am thrilled to be back! It's been an exciting and challenging year in many ways. As I have glanced over last year's posts I can truly say that I a braver woman is here typing today! I look forward to sharing some of the things I am learning about facing life with the fearless optimism that comes from being a daughter of the King.
Each day I will be posting a link to the day's post here. Thanks for visiting!
Day 1: Why Brave?
Day 2: The Foundation
Day 3: Facing the Unknown
Day 4: A Beautiful Paradox
Day 5: Everyday Courage Quote
Day 6: Day 6: Be Still My Soul
Day 7: The Brave Mom
Day 8:Unashamed
Day 9: Showing Up
Day 10: Community
Day 11: Friday Quote
Day 12: No to the mountains!
Day 13: Speaking and Listening : A Quote
Day 14: Fear vs. Privilege
Day 15: God Hears
Day 16: Pout it All Out
Day 17: Givers
Day 18: A Million Little Ways Quote
Day 19: Container Box Houses
Day 20: No post...taking care of a sickly one :(
Day 21: The Perfect Prayer
Day 22: Choose to Become Strong
Day 23: The Brave Beauty of Less
Day 24: Their Vision was Broad
Day 25: Brave and Beautiful Protest
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:
Day 31:
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