Welcome to 31 Days of Brave! During the month of October bloggers everywhere will be joining Nester in her 31 day challenge to write daily on a single topic. After a year of letting this little corner of the worldwide web sit unattended, I must say that I am thrilled to be back! It's been an exciting and challenging year in many ways. As I have glanced over last year's posts I can truly say that I a braver woman is here typing today! I look forward to sharing some of the things I am learning about facing life with the fearless optimism that comes from being a daughter of the King.
Each day I will be posting a link to the day's post here. Thanks for visiting!
Day 1: Why Brave?
Day 2: The Foundation
Day 3: Facing the Unknown
Day 4: A Beautiful Paradox
Day 5: Everyday Courage Quote
Day 6: Day 6: Be Still My Soul
Day 7: The Brave Mom
Day 8:Unashamed
Day 9: Showing Up
Day 10: Community
Day 11: Friday Quote
Day 12: No post...off to the mountains!
Day 13: Speaking and Listening : A Quote
Day 14: Fear vs. Privilege
Day 15: God Hears
Day 16: Pout it All Out
Day 17: Givers
Day 18: A Million Little Ways Quote
Day 19: Container Box Houses
Day 20: No post...taking care of a sickly one :(
Day 21: The Perfect Prayer
Day 22: Choose to Become Strong
Day 23: The Brave Beauty of Less
Day 24: Their Vision was Broad
Day 25: Brave and Beautiful Protest
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:
Day 31:
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